Green Ammonia
Our Project in one page

Our Project in one page

The context

Europe is engaged in an historical decarbonation shift. The ambition is huge, figures are hard to grasp. To meet this ambition, immediate decisions and fast action are required in almost all fields of our lives. For the energy industry, it means replacing fossil fuels by decarbonated sources. Furthermore, in order to meet the necessary constant balance  between offer and demand, energy storage is necessary. For the fertilizer industry, it means replacing methane feedstock by other sources of hydrogen. 

The solution

For both energy and fertilizer industries, Ammonia has extraordinary properties that can be used to meet the requirements of the decarbonation shift. 

Ammonia contains energy. Ammonia contain hydrogen. Ammonia is liquid  under low pressure. Ammonia has a very a very good energy density. Ammonia can be stored. Ammonia is already widely used; technics to produce and handle it are common in the industry.

The Current move

The role of hydrogen is well understood and already popular. The industry already knows how and where to produce hydrogen. Lately big players have understood that to carry it over long distances, Hydrogen best friend is Ammonia

These big players are now announcing billions huge projects. They are encouraged in their plans by visionary countries and institutions such as Japan, Morocco or the Port of Antwerp-Bruges. But their project will take years to come out of the ground. 

The Missing Piece 

Do these players fully meet the decarbonation objectives? By size, yes (partially). In time, surly not !

With NitroPrime we claim to address the need for fast and agile organizations able to quickly deploy projects with limited risks and fast iteration enabling rapid adaptation and leverage innovation. Aside the mega project, we will develop a modular approach

The NitroPrime project

NitroPrime will start green Ammonia production in south Morocco where solar and wind reneable energy is abundant and cheap. We will take advantage of the just released Moroccan strong roadmap and call for projects. We will rely on existing technologies to start production in Morocco and will direct our production to Europe where our green ammonia will integrate the chemical and hydrogen markets

The First Phase, Plan and Figures 

In 2026, for the first phase we plan a facility of 20 000 ton per year of ammonia requiring 130 000 MWh of electricity. The estimated budget is 135 M€. 

NitroPrime scope will cover the green electricity production (wind/solar mix), the water desalination, the electrolysis and the ammonia loop process, storage and shipment via Moroccan sea infrastructure to  Europe.  Successive iteration shall follow to scale up by replication. 

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